About  Soter

At Soter, the global leader in AI innovation for industrial businesses, we prioritize your workforce’s safety and your bottom line

Soter’s smarter prevention expertise spans across manufacturing, logistics, insurance, transportation, construction, mining, and energy sectors.

Our game-changing SoterAI platform is purpose-built to eliminate risk exposure, enhance productivity, and save money. With proprietary features such as real-time, data-driven analysis of images, videos, and text, SoterAI quickly pinpoints issues and offers actionable solutions.

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SoterAI – Transforming Safety and Productivity with AI that works for you

The SoterAI Difference

SoterAI proactively enhances safety and productivity by leveraging our expertise, customer knowledge and a robust data set, for example:

Knowledge from partnering with 100’s global companies
10.7M+ Tokens of data
Every single OSHA Standard & regulation
100,000+ OSHA Violations
15,000+ OSHA Inspections
Most recent OSHA interpretations on each standard
881 Unique NAICS Codes (industries)
Rapid data and features expansion

Our team of exceptional engineers and industry experts are dedicated to making the work smarter and safer

Matthew Hart

Founder & CEO

Alexey Pavlenko

Co-Founder & CTO

Gareth Buchanan-Robinson

Chief Operating Officer

Heather Chapman

Health & Safety Strategist

Dr. Mike Goetsch

Head of Product

Adam Cole

Finance Director

Vicky Tsiamas

Business Development Manager AUS/NZ

Mike Bartsch

Director of Strategic Partnerships

Egor Nazarov

Head of Marketing

Jess Coshan

Head of Customer Success

Tracy Thornton

Customer Success Manager

Olga Obraztsova

HR Manager

Piotr Leszczynski

Head of Engineering

Dmitry Boykiy

Head of AI

Baptiste Truillet

Account Manager (FR)

Matthew Do

Account Manager (AUS)

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